Honda – Revenge of the Biospiders

Client: Honda
Agency: RPA
Directed by: Giant Ant


Client: Honda
Agency: RPA
Directed by Giant Ant

Executive Producer: Teresa Toews
Executive Creative Director: Jay Grandin
Producer: Teresa Toews
Creative Direction: Jay Grandin, Eric Pautz
Art Direction: Eric Pautz
Storyboards: Sitji Chou, Hugo Baurens
Illustration: Eric Pautz, Rafael Mayani, Genice Chan, Hugo Baurens

Animation Direction: Matt James
Cel Animation Lead: Sitji Chou
Cel Animation: Sitji Chou, Johannes Fast, Fabio Valesini, Genice Chan, Diego Maclean, Ben Ommundson, Josh Parker
3D Animation Lead: Will Brown
Additional 3D Animation: Matt James
2D Animation & Compositing: Matt James, Conor Whelan, Eric Pautz
Sound Design: Playdate